Singapore-IEA Regional Training Programme on Efficient Grid-Interactive Buildings


Yeni Indra

Global Buildings Performance Network

Sub-national strategic projects lead


Yeni Indra has a degree in economic and social science from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). She has extensive knowledge and experience in qualitative and quantitative research, policy analysis, policy formulation and implementation. Yeni has been involved in development programmes and projects focused on social economic development for over ten years. Recently with International Finance Corporation (IFC) – World Bank Group, Yeni was involved in Indonesia Green Building Program and Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) Project which focused on green building and green finance policy development and implementation in Indonesia. She has wide experience on policy reforms and business licensing programs with strong capacity to identify key stakeholders and manage the facilitation process of the policy development. To support the capacity building aspect of the program, she has good capacity to navigate the collaboration of key resources and persons from various entities. As a researcher, Yeni has good capacity to design and conduct research data collection and analysis.