Paola Acevedo
Sustenta Honduras
Project Manager
Ms. Paola Acevedo is a 25-year-old Honduran electronics and automation engineer, currently studying for a master's at the University of Texas at Austin. Her diverse career includes working as a data specialist for the Global Platform for Action for Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Additionally, she has worked in the energy sector as a young researcher, climate negotiator, energy pathway modeler, and youth delegate - notably, speaking at Sustainable Energy for All in COP27 on energy access and decarbonization pathways for the Global South. In 2020, she was a founding member of Sustenta Honduras, a youth-led NGO focused on climate change adaptation through youth empowerment in Honduras. She is currently researching the equitable and optimal placement of electric vehicle charging stations in Texas, where energy efficiency will be critical to supporting the current and future rise in electricity demands due to the electrification of the transport sector.