9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency


Yagouba Traore

African Energy Commission (AFREC)

Head of Policy Planning Strategy Support


Yagouba Traore has more than 20 years of experience in Infrastructure and Energy fields and related policy development at national, regional, and continental level. He currently serves as the Head of Division - Policy Strategy and Support, leading the delivery of AFREC’s strategic programmes while providing policy and strategic support to the African Union Member States in alignment with the continental, regional and national priorities. Prior to joining AFREC, Mr. Traore served as Chief of Infrastructure Unit within the African Union, where he coordinated the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), an AU strategic framework aimed at addressing the infrastructure gaps in the sectors of Energy, Transport, ICT and Water. Mr. Traore holds BSc in Telecommunications Engineering and a Masters in Project and Non-conventional Energy Management

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