9th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency

Powering the Future: 

Leveraging digitalisation for efficiency, resilience and decarbonisation 

The mounting pressures to decarbonise and electrify in conjunction with the climate and energy crisis are creating a new imperative for digitalisation. 

This event brings together policy makers, regulators, utilities, technology and service providers and experts to discuss actions needed to ensure a trajectory towards efficient, resilient and clean power systems.

 During this event, the IEA will launch the Digital Demand-Driven Electricity Networks (3DEN) Initiative's first flagship report on Unlocking smart grid opportunities in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies.

The discussion will focus on:     

  • The central role of  power systems modernisation in improving the efficiency and flexibility of demand. 

  • How digitalisation can help meet urgent needs such as increased efficiency and reduced losses, improved utilisation of assets, increased reliability while facilitating decarbonisation pathways, especially in emerging economies and developing countries. 

  • Actions needed to scale up digitalisation including the role of pilots with insights from implementers of the Italy/UNEP smart grid pilot programme in emerging economies. 

  • How digitalisation can support greater power system efficiency and decarbonisation in the medium to long term and fast-track implementation to achieve net zero/climate ambitions.  

 If you would be interested in finding out more about this event please email energy.efficiency@iea.org