Energy Efficiency Training Week 2022, Latin America


Juan Ignacio Navarrete


Director of Policies and Programs


Juan Ignacio Navbarrete Barbosa is a Senior Expert in the Mexican energy sector. A professional with more than 19 years of experience in the areas of energy planning and statistics with extensive knowledge of energy sector modelling, energy sector technologies, price structure and statistics applied to the analysis of energy and economic information for decision making; and policy marker, evaluation and monitoring of energy efficiency. Work experience includes having collaborated for the Mexican Petroleum Institute, the Secretary of Energy and the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy. Professional achievements: o Developed thePprospective energy consumption model for the industrial sector for the Mexican Petroleum Institute. o At SENER, he progressively developed as Head of the Energy Policy Department, Deputy Director of Fuel Policies and Director of Integration of Sector Prospects. He was responsible for the preparation and integration of the Natural Gas, Petroleum Products, Petroleum, LP Gas and Electric Sector Market Prospects in the Secretary of Energy between 2004 and 2013. o At CONUEE, he developed for the first time the area of statistics, evaluation and modeling of the impacts of energy efficiency policies in Mexico. o As Policy Maker at CONUEE, he is responsible for developing the Transition Strategy to promote the use of cleaner technologies and fuels; as well as the National Program for the Sustainable Use of Energy since 2013. o Developed with experts from French cooperation of ADEME and ENERDATA, the online system of the Base of Energy Efficiency Indicators for the CONUEE. o Author of the National Energy Efficiency Monitoring Report for Mexico 2018, published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in 2018. o Co-author of the document proposal for instruments to facilitate energy efficiency measures in the industrial sector of Mexico, published by GIZ, CONUEE and the European Union. o Author and in charge of the analysis of the measures to restrict the demand for petroleum products in Mexico in emergency situations, presented by Mexico to accredit the accession process as a member of the International Energy Agency. o Developed a prospective model of energy efficiency in final energy consumption sectors, using energy efficiency indicators. The results obtained were used to establish the Mexican energy efficiency goal in the Transition Strategy to promote cleaner technologies and fuels in 2020.

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