Energy Efficiency Training Week 2022, Latin America


Elisete Cunha


Architect and Urban Planner


Eliste Cunha graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFF – Universidade Federal Fluminense , as a construction technician from CEFET-RJ, with a specialization in Environmental Planning and Management from UVA – Universidade Veiga de Almeida and in Economics and Sustainability Management, with an emphasis on Social Housing from UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. She worked for 10 years in the area of civil construction, budgeting, management and supervision of works, of high standard commercial projects (triple A), residential projects and distribution centers, and 2 years in facilities management of corporate buildings. She has been working in the area of energy efficiency in buildings since 2011, in Procel - National Electric Energy Conservation Program, directly with building labelling, with the Procel seal for buildings and operational energy performance.

This speaker will talk about

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